Orange is the New Black Uzo Aduba aka Crazy Eyes – Huff Post Live
Hey Cuties,
Last week I had the honor of participating in a Huff Post Live Q&A Session with Emmy Award/SAG Award winner Uzo Aduba from Orange Is the New Black {OITNB}. This was my first time on Huff Post Live so I was really nervous. I must say the staff over there made things really easy and I was able to relax and just enjoy the experience.
Waiting for our segment to go live.They featured three of my favorite bloggers during the Q&A. Myself {MimiCuteLips}, Christine {Mom’s N Charge} and Te {The Style Medic}. These are my Blogging Boo’s as I affectionately call them. We were permitted to ask one question.
OITNB is a Netflix television comedy-drama series that started in 2013. They have 4 Golden Globe Nominations, 12 Emmy Nominations {3 wins} for Season 1, 2 Screen Actors Guild nominations {2 wins} and countless other awards. I was a fan of the show before I ever watched it because I saw the cast members on some of my favorite Talk Shows. The world is waiting on season 4 while I binge-watch to catch up.

Uzo Audba got her start in theater before becoming our favorite Litchfield prisoner known as Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren. She has taken over Hollywood and showing them she is boss. Fun Fact: She is a classically trained vocalist.

Uzo’s natural reaction to someone asking for spoilers.Question: Where does the future of Litchfield {prison} stand now that it is being taken over by corporate?
Answer: She is like all the spoilers (laughter) Um; you know I can’t tell you specifics as far as where it stands. I think what Jenji {Creator} started exploring in season 3 is something that is actually very real within our penial system right now. There are privatized prisons and what does that mean when the business of owning a prison is big business. I think you can sort of guess for yourself what that might look like when you’re dealing with human lives. In order for your prison to be successful you have to have prisoners. That means you have budgetary costs you are trying to meet and what sort of tension you can create and foster in that type of environment. I think it’s exciting that Jenji is bold enough to touch on that subject and to really try and tackle it and she is so smart to try and do it.
If so who is your favorite prisoner? What is your favorite Netflix show? Chat with me in the comment section below or FB, IG or Twitter.
OMG, I love National Building Museum in DC! We were there in April and my kids LOVED it.
What an awesome experience! Such a neat fact that she is a trained vocalist.
That’s so cool! I’m a huge Orange is the New Black fan. I just started watching it recently, and it’s amazing.
What a great opportunity! I’m probably the only person who has never seen OITNB. I don’t really have a favorite on Netflix. I’m no fun at all, but it sure looks like you had a great time. Congrats! You rocked it.
I actually have not seen the show, but I heard it is an awesome one! You did a great interview. I would have been SO nervous!
OMG! I love that show! Crazy eyes is so talented and my favourite character. She is stunning in real life! I really enjoyed this interview
Girl get it with your logo t-shirt on and everything! I totally need to start watching this show! I love her answer quite frankly, the prisons aren’t the only places that are ‘privatized’ and ‘corporate’ – it’s change that isn’t necessarily any better, it’s just filling a different set of pockets and no one is really getting ‘re-habilitated’.
I haven’t watched it to be honest. Im so busy all the time i always forget to tune in.
I’ve heard so much about the show but haven’t watched it yet! Sounds awesome, need to make time to catch up.
I heard about this show before . I have Netflix. Thanks for letting me know about this. I have to check it out. My favorite show ? Cooking
This looks like a good one to watch. Never heard of this until now.
I have not seen Orange is the New Black. I guess I might be living in a different dimension. LOL. Anyway, I think you did a good job with the interview. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, you had a busy week. It must have been so exciting to participate in that event. I was smiling while I was reading about your daughter. Wearing a pajama with a tutu and a tiara sounds so familiar!
What a fun experience! I will admit, I haven’t seen the show as of yet but I’ve heard great things about it so far.
U have never seen any episode of the show but a friend of mine is hooked in watching it. Must be exciting to talk to someone you admire.
Love Orange is the new Black. Speaking of, I definitely need to catch up.
Yes! I didn’t think I would be fan and now I’m addicted and waiting for the next season to arrive lol!
I haven’t seen the show yet but I’ve heard so many good things about it. I’ll definitely have to check it out after reading this post though!
Awwwwww…I love Crazy Eyes!!! I think she is just gorgeous in real life and is just so funny!!
I have actually never seen this show, but I plan to start binge watching this winter!
I’ve read some about the show, but I’ve never seen it. We just got Netflix though so I will check it out one of these days.
I keep hearing about this show but still have yet to watch it. Don’t burst into tears laughing…but on Netflix – my kids have been binge watching Reading Rainbow! So, I’ve that theme song stuck in my head lol
My son and his wife love her! I haven’t seen the show, but that’s not unusual for me. I watch about 4 hours of tv a year, lol. Not joking.
OMG this post just totally made my day. For some reason I swear I read an article not too long ago that OITNB was over and that is why the latest season seemed so rushed and just off. I was angry because so much was left hanging. Good to know there is a bit more to come.
I am kinda jealous right now. I love Orange Is The New Black. It may be my favorite show. And you have gotten to interview Crazy Eyes? That is awesome for you!
You know what… I’ve never even seen the show! Maybe I should change that?
I am such a fan of hers and the show Orange Is The New Black. I would love to be able to ask her a few questions.
I love watching the “Orange is the new black”. I have always liked watching Crazy Eyes and a few others. I tend to follow along my favorites and their lives.
I still need to see this show! We just recently got Netflix and I’ve been told that this show is a must watch.
Oh wow, what a great opportunity! I would love to have my question picked and answered by one of the cast. You must have been so excited!
We love OITNB and have enjoyed learning about the characters. I’ve read a few articles about Uzo Aduba and find her to be a very interesting person.
What a great experience! I am a big fan of Orange is the New Black as it is a unique show!
How freaking lucky are you???! I love OITNB and you got to interview Crazy Eyes!! So fun lucky!!!
It sounds like you had a great weekend. Our weekend was tough.
Wow, that is cool that you ended up on Huffington post live. Great job!
What a great experience! I haven’t see the show, but I am in the middle of reading the book. I’ll have to check out the show on Netflix.
Omg how cool!!! Both hubby and I love orange is the new black! Such a great show. Already waiting for the next season lol
That seems like such an awesome experience! I have never seen the TV Show OITNB but I have heard such great things about it! Great post!
I love OITNB! She’s one of my favorite characters too. She’s a beautiful actress. This was really awesome!
Amazing post! My son loves that show. I have never seen it, but I am going to send this post over to him. Seems like you had a great time. Amazing…
Awesome experience, don’t watch orange is the new black often just know a lot of folks love an addicted to this show. From what I have seen awards it has excellent directors, actors & actress.
WOW, what a great experience! I love that show and am a big fan of Crazy Eyes. Great question and congrats on the great opportunity!
Wow such a cool experience to have! I follow all of the ladies listed blogs so am so proud of you for such an awesome achievement.
I like Orange is the new black, although I was disappointed in this last season. It wasn’t that great. She is a great actress too and I saw she can sing too.
I love OITNB but I’m behind on season 3. Crazy Eyes is one of my favorite characters; great actress! Congrats on such a fab opportunity.
What a cool experience! I tried to get into OITNB, but I said “eh” after the first episode.
How cool is that? I haven’t watched the show, but I know it is a huge success. This is a great opportunity for you ladies – so happy for you all!
Never watched the show, but I’ll have to check it out. Great post!
We were supposed to go to the DC beach, but didn’t make it. I can’t wait to see your photos and hear about it. Congratulations on appearing on Huff Post LIVE how exciting! I’ve never seen Orange is the new Black (I know where have I been) but I love how Uzo Abuda is killing these interviews and the industry.
Mimi what an awesome opportunity! That banner on the screen was everything. Do it girl!
Love her and her crazy character and look at you all cute in your branded tee! Werk!