Issa Rae – The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl
Last week I attended the booking signing event of Issa Rae of the YouTube series Awkward Black Girl. The event took place at the Martin Luther King, Jr library in Washington, DC. I’ve walked past this library a million times but this was the first time I had actually gone inside. It was a packed house, so packed they had to put extra chairs out and even then people were still standing. Issa’s new book is titled The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl. This is about her life whereas the Awkward Black Girl series is only a piece of her life.

The evening kicked off with a quick Q&A session with Issa and some of my favorite bloggers. Issa was her normal raw and candid self and I was totally here for that.

Mi: I’m Mimi, I’m a lifestyle blogger of
Issa: Heyyyy, you do have cute lips. {Room erupts with laughter}
Mi: I like how raw and blunt you are, I’m the kind of person that says things that most people think but don’t say. But I love that you say it and own it, were you concerned about how people would receive you being that way?
Issa: I was initially kind of concerned with the chapters like The Struggle. I did have a mini-controversy around that when Cosmo decided to use it, an excerpt it for their February issue. So like during Black History Month. I wrote that three years ago, but I still stand by my feelings about my public blackness and being put on display and dictated. It was taken out of context because they labeled it “Can We Not Talk About My Race for a Minute” and people thought I was running away from my blackness. That all of sudden I was on and now I was like nope, I’m not black anymore. Which is not true. I write a lot of things tongue and cheek or sarcastically and I was scared that people would misconstrue my words. I didn’t let that stop me from writing it, these are my real raw feelings at the end of the day. If you judge me for them fine but know that they are authentic.
Mi: Did your family feel some kind way about it?
Issa: My dad felt some kind of way initially about the chapter that I wrote about him. We talked it out and it actually made us closer because we had never talked about this before.

Then she signed my book.

Then we took this cute group picture.
L to R: Another Reporters, Christine {MomsNCharge}, Issa, Te Espi {The Style Medic}, Diana {Sisters with Beauty}, Mi & Mocha {The Oracle Group}

Issa read some of the first chapter, followed by an interview with Mocha and then questions from the audience. She was hilarious from start to finish. She closed out the event signing every book in the place.
Full Disclosure: I didn’t know about Issa Rae until a few days before the event. I mentioned the title of her book to my Babe and he went slam off on me. hahaha Apparently he tried to put me on Issa’s YouTube series years ago and I wasn’t interested. I don’t recall, but I’m sure he is telling the truth. So I binge-watched and laughed like crazy. I am proud to say I know all about her and this book here. OH EM GEE! It is everything I love.
Issa has more than 20 million views and hundreds of thousands of YouTube subscribers. As for Issa though, she has been on Glamour magazine’s “35 Under 35” and Forbes’s “30 Under 30” list. She has done more than most of us in less time. Let me work a little harder on my hustle. I didn’t even mention the fact that she is working on a pilot for HBO and is working with Shonda Rhimes; yes the Queen of Thursday night television. Let me get all my dreams lined up because I’m clearly tardy to this party.
Last by not least The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl is on the New York Times best-seller list. HELL YEAH!
Are you an Issa fan? Chat with me in the comment section below or here, here or here.
I haven’t read her book but I did see her series years ago. It was funny. I remember I found myself laughing. She has come such a long way. There are a lot of other series that are now on her channel. I like the Business Plan and Black Actress.
Holly, yes I love things that actually make me laugh out loud. I want to check them all out.
Awww, this is AWESOME! What a clip! Especially that the one chapter made her and her father a bit closer. That’s why communication is soooooooo important. Better to talk about things and get it out then hold it in which causes MORE issues!!
Thanks for sharing this hun! I LOVE this! I wil have to search for her book now (read more details and to purchase)
Right, we totally under estimate the power of communication. It can change our lives for the better or worse.
Be ready to laugh girl.
I saw pics of this on IG…it was a PACKED house! Glad you got a chance to interview her! This is pretty big in the Black Community & Natural Community. She was on Roland Martin’s show also…thats when I remember seeing her YouTube a while back!
**Arent husbands funny when it comes to “putting you on to something” that you could’ve been blogging about! LOL!!! Mine opens boxes and is like cool we needed this or we can use this…and Im like dude I know but put it back to make sure I have all parts in order to review it before you lose something! LOL!! I guess they are assistants!!!
She is a trail blazer for sure, I left questioning the things I had accomplished in life. I needed to build on my dreams because they simply weren’t big enough obviously.
Girl the men folk are a trip for sure. My Babe is always schooling me on something, I need to put him to work, especially when I’m in search of material. They are assistants for sure. Quiet as kept, I love it. hahaha
She is absolutely hilarious. Seriously. I can’t imagine how anyone gets anything done around her. And I LOVED the book. So so good.
Right, how can you be productive when you are laughing the entire time. Her face is serious but the things coming out of her mouth are all classic. I need to make some Issa t-shirts.
This book sounds hilarious. I could use a good laugh. All my books lately have been pretty serious and I could use a change of pace.
Jessica it really is, you will crack up laughing. It is perfect after some serious reading.
I have heard of this book and my friends keep telling me to read it because I am a lot like the author and they I can learn a lot from the book. Thanks for the interview!
Oh Marty you must get it and report back on what you thought.
I love that you got to interview Issa Rae! She’s definitely one of my favorite YouTubers. She has a series called The Bizz Plan on her channel about content creators giving advice about furthering creative careers.
Thanks Tamara, I love that she reaches back to help the next round of creative minds. I love talented people that aren’t afraid to pour into others.
WOW. I’m totally behind the times and SAD about IT!!! I was out of town for the event, but I did hear about it. I’ll definitely have to partake in some YouTube binge watching of Issa myself. Thank you!!
Rani, don’t worry you still have time. I was tardy to the party but I’ve arrived. lol
I LOVE Issa Rae!! I started watching her web series years ago and I’ve been a fan ever since. I read the book in 4 days and found myself literally laughing out loud. I even met her at the Blogalicious Conference last year and you’re right she’s so funny. I am very proud of her success and like you I need to turn my hustle up a notch. Great post!
I love when something makes me laugh out loud. That means it’s really funny. I’ve not been to Blogalicious but it is on my radar for this year.
Wow how is this the first time I’m hearing about this young lady. I definitely need to check out her YT channel and catch up. Sounds like one to watch. Thanks for sharing!!
Kara, don’t feel bad I was asking myself the same thing. Only my answer was apparently I don’t listen. lol She is one to watch for sure, very inspiring.
How cool that you got a chance to meet her! She’s awesome!
Melisa it was way cool, even better that she was so down to earth.
LOVE her webisode with Black and Sexy TV. My soror is one of the stars of Hello Cupid
Oh wow, that is so cool. I love her creativity and her humor. Thanks for the love.
I have never heard of her before, but after reading you post and the other comments I am buying TONIGHT! I am excited, I love women that tell it like it is! #brownbloglove
Nancy tell me what you think after you’ve read it. Thanks for stopping by.