Make Your Own Cute Ugly Christmas Sweaters
I love the holiday season, we are hustling and bustling with Christmas shopping, and planning dinner, and amid the chaos we add in a little partying. A lot of those parties now include an Ugly Christmas Sweater theme. Because they have become so popular you can buy them almost anywhere. But what about just making a one-of-one type of Cute Ugly Christmas Sweater?
Ugly Christmas Sweaters have become so popular they have their own official day which is celebrated on the third Friday of December. So, it was only right that The Style Medic and I trot our festively cute selves down to Fox 5 DC and share our creations.

We showed up in our cute Ugly Christmas Sweaters that we purchased. Mine is from The Dyna Smiles and T’s is from Walmart. This is before we began to set up for our segment.

We usually come in and begin to set up, we like to make the table look festive. The cute Ugly Christmas Sweaters are the star of the show, but we want the decor to be a solid backup singer. Babe was on set today so he captured some good behind-the-scenes BTS, I feel like that is the part y’all want to know about.

Our table is set up and we have a little time to kill before we go live. I made this 6+ years ago and it is still going strong. I don’t believe in making them and only wearing them once. My cute Ugly Christmas Sweater is a fireplace mantle situation with Christmas stockings.

T’s cute Ugly Christmas Sweater is giving warm climate Christmas with the flamingo theme. The based of the sweatshirt is baby pink, no rule says you have to go red and green, explore color options.

We make it look cute and it’s because we are. We make it look easy, because the talking part is the easiet part. We put in all of the work upfront coming up with design ideas and then bringing them to life.

Tucker is the person I talk about the most at Fox 5 DC because he is the head meteorologist. If you ever talk to me in conversation and hear me say “Tucker said…” it’s because Tucker, this Tucker literally told me what the weather is going to be. SN: Get into Tucker’s Christmas Poncho.

One of the other cool perks of being in the studio is you never know who you will meet in the Green Room. This time it was comedian/actor Faizon Love. Probably most known for being Big Worm in the movie Friday or for his role as Gimbel’s Manager in the movie Elf.
Are you making your Ugly Christmas Sweater or are you buying it?
Chat with me in the comments below or FB, IG, and Twitter.