I Made It To Wynwood, Miami For The First Time


Hey Cuties,

On Monday I promised to share my time at Wynwood art district in Miami. This was one of my asks for our family vacation. It would have been nice to have a full on photoshoot, but no such thing occurred. I’ll need to go back with the girls for that.  This is more of a visual experience.

Wynwood Miami

Wynwood is now the home to art galleries, retail stores, antique shops, bars, eateries and one of the largest open-air street-art installations in the world.  In the early 2000s, gentrification happened and neglected warehouses, factories, and other unused buildings were given new life and became thriving businesses.  The street art is what really made a name for the area, Art Basel arrived in 2002 and really cemented things.  Artists from around the world have sought inspiration in the area’s windowless facades and used them as canvases to showcase their work, leading to the vivid murals that adorn the district.

Wynwood Miami

Although Wynwood has art galleries you can enjoy the dope art just by walking the street. This is the side of building in a parking lot.

Wynwood Miami

As a natural creative this feeds my soul. As a creative who can’t draw this feeds my soul in a much different way. I spent the first seven years of my life in the Boogie Down, Bronx, New York.  I grew up in a time when graffiti was all the rage, it was illegal but it was such dope artistic expression.  I remember seeing graffiti on the subway trains, freight trains, and my local city streets.  I enjoyed movies like Crush Groove, Beat Street, Breakin, and more that included graffiti, break dancing, and all things 80s culture.

Wynwood Miami

Back in those days, it was a crime. The city and business owners would paint over some of the dopest art. Look at us now, that same are work is encouraged, sought out and celebrated.

Wynwood Miami

The creativity in these pieces is endless. I look at them and I see different things, they trigger different emotions. I wonder what the artist was experiencing at the time of creation What messages did they want to convey to us? Are we getting said messages?

Wynwood Miami
Artist @ClaudiaLaBianca

This was one of my favorites, I love her style. Several of the artists tag their names in the pieces so you can see more of their work or simply show them love when you post their pictures to social media. If you check out @ClaudiaLaBianca on IG you will see her very feminist style of art. She celebrates women and it breaking down stereotypes.

Wynwood Miami

Sometimes life is simply black and white.

Wynwood Miami
Artist: @Golden305

This is another one of my favorite pieces, Artist @Golden305 paints with bold colors and they are always happy, fun in style. You can see his art in Miami as well as New York.

Wynwood Miami
Artist: @sipros_sipros

This is another one of my favorites, it is so vibrant and so life like yet so fun. Artist @sipros_sipros has a fun artistis style.

Wynwood Miami
Artist: @ConradFlorez

This was another I liked, the coloring is fun and in my colorwheel.  I’m not a skull and cross bone type of girl but it flows. Artist @ConradFlorez puts a lot of his work on apparel.  So dope!

Wynwood Miami
Artist: @carlosefuenmayor

I snapped this for my Manchild, he is a big Star Wars fan. This one made me laugh when I saw it. Artist @carlosefuenmayor is a fine art and illustrator artist.

Wynwood Miami

This Kangol hat is so 80’s LL Cool J.  This piece of art is all the way New York.

Wynwood Miami

Yassss girls!

Wynwood Miami

This reminds me of old school comics.

Wynwood Miami

This was funny yet creepy.

Wynwood Miami
Artist: @Okudart

The dope thing about some of this artwork is these artists come from around the world to do these paintings. Artist @Okudart is heavy in Madrid and Spain.

Wynwood Miami

A secret garden of sorts…

Wynwood Miami

This one reminds me of a show my son used to watch.

Wynwood Miami

This just screams power and Greek God of your soul.

Wynwood Miami
Artist: @DasicFernandez

This is the best image to finish with, I was immediately drawn to the colors and the fact that she is a woman. Artist @DasicFernandez really captures art with a lot of colors.

Wynnwood Miami

If you visit Miami, be sure to check out Wynwood, it’s a dope area. You can follow some of the happenings on their IG page.

Do you have a favorite? Chat with me in the comments below or FBIG, and Twitter.

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  1. Wynwood is one of favorite places in Miami. There are so many cute shops and restaurants and the art scene is like none other. Looks like you had a great time!

  2. Wow! This is some gorgeous artwork. As much as I love me some Miami, I’ve never been to the art district. I’m actually going back to Miami in October for a conference so I’ll be sure to add this to my list of places to visit.

  3. I love street art or graffiti
    It’s not only the colours but the story the artist is telling and what’s going on in his mind
    There is a lot of history to street art and it’s nice to see that it is being celebrated

  4. This art is beautiful. I appreciate how you took your time to visit and see this great work, I am not an artist myself but i know and appreaciate good art. Great article hun!

  5. These are beautiful. We went on a hunt for art here in downtown Orlando and sadly only found 2 paintings. Looks like we need a trip to Miami!

  6. How fun is this? I had heard about an art district in St. Petersburg, but this one is new to me. It’s hard to choose a favorite painting. I love the colors myself.

  7. I’m impressed with those murals! love the images and colors chosen on many of them… art is awesome! We have some pretty cool murals done in Mpls,MN like of Prince and Bob Dylan, etc… it’s amazing what people can create ; )

  8. Thanks for giving us a tour through the pictures that you shared! Wynwood is the place to be if you’re a fan of street art. I love that more and more people are learning to love and appreciate it!

  9. These are so dope! Hopefully I get to visit here when going to Miami for blogalicious. I love street art and want to visit the popular ones in NYC. There was a warehouse in Queens that had graffiti all over, but they tore it down to make luxury condos -__-

  10. As many times as I’ve been to Miami, I’ve never been to Wynwood. The graffiti art is beautiful.

  11. This is such dope art. I have become a big fan of street art. I need to check this out one day.

  12. Wow – the wall art is absolutely amazing! Funny how something that’s looked down upon could actually be a beautiful thing. I would love to see it in real life someday!

  13. This street art was dope! Every time you write about Florida, I realize I haven’t been in years and need to get there soon because its so much to do. I too wonder what the artist are trying to convey as everyone looking at the picture walks away with something different.

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