I’m Judging You, Are You Judging Me? Do-Better
Hey Cuties,
I came back from Key West on a Monday and that Tuesday I had the pleasure of attending Luvvi Ajayi’s Book Signing event at the new National Museum of African American History and Culture Museum. It is the latest edition to the Smithsonian Museums in Washington, DC. I was really looking forward to this event because Luvvi had another book signing event while I was still in Key West and I was mad I missed it.
If you aren’t familiar with Luvvie she is the blogger behind the notorious humor blog Awesomely Luvvie and Awesomely Techie She is a New York Times best-selling author, speaker and digital strategist who thrives at the intersection of comedy, technology and activism.” The self-proclaimed Wacky Wordsmith. Pop Culture PrimaDonna. Side-Eye Sorceress. Witch of Wit. Dynamic Digerati with a Superior Shoe Game. Admirer of Alliteration. She also has the receipts to back it all up.

About the book: I’m Judging You is her debut book of humorous essays that dissects our cultural obsessions and calls out bad behavior in our increasingly digital, connected lives. It passes on lessons and side-eyes on life, social media, culture and fame, addressing those terrible friends we all have to serious discussions of race and media representation to what to do about your fool cousin sharing casket pictures from Grandma’s wake on Facebook.
With a lighthearted, razor sharp wit and a unique perspective, I’m Judging You is the handbook the world needs, doling out the hard truths and a road map for bringing some “act right” into our lives, social media, and popular culture. It is the Do-Better Manual.

I was excited to visit the African American History and Culture museum for the first time. I only went for the event so I didn’t get to look at any of the exhibits or anything like that. I will come back for that, the museum is massive. It will take several visits to see it all but I will eventually. All black people should go, all white people should go, all Asian people should go, all Latinos should go, all African’s should go. EVERYONE SHOULD GO AND VISIT THIS MUSEUM. Our history isn’t perfect but it is the truth and we need to educate ourselves and stand in our truth in order to do better. While I’m at it make sure you VOTE!

Okay, back to the event, apparently I needed to say some things. You already know if you don’t have a picture then it didn’t happen.

The evening kicked off with a moderated discussion between Author Luvvie and her good girlfriend Award-winning author and journalist, Demetria Luca D’Oyley. If you are following this here blogging game Demetria used to blog at A Belle in Brooklyn. She was also on the show Blood, Sweat & Heels.

Backstory: The first time I heard of Luvvie was July 2014 while I was attending BlogHer. I was seated at a table having my lunch with a friend and some new friends. A young lady walked up to the table and asked if the seat next to me was available. I said yes and she sat down and joined in the table discussion. I didn’t know her name and didn’t ask her name. She was cool, lunch was cool, and everyone at the table was cool. Fast forward an hour or two and the very young lady that sat beside me at the table was up on the stage. WTH. How did we get here? Well her name was none other than Luvvie Ajayi. She killed her keynote and was hella funny. She was officially my kind of girl and I started following her ever since.

When I met Luvvie I thought she was just someone that was funny. I’ve come to realize she is hella funny, but she is so much more than that. She is a serious inspiration and motivation for me. After the moderated discussion they opened up the mic for Q&A. I’ve met Luvvie several times now but I had a question and I needed to know the answer. Why? Because I have goals and I’m trying to figure out something she has already figured out. Q: Do you ever worry about people’s reactions to the things you say or post? A: There are a few times she was hesitant but hit the button anyway. She has a rule she goes by and if she can check yes in all of those boxes then she is going to hit publish. She makes sure it is true and she can defend herself if someone says something crazy or asks her about it.
What I heard was all bets are off and I’ve removed any filters I once had. I have a moral compass and that is good enough. I can’t be afraid to share me and my life because someone else might not feel comfortable with it. The truth is people live for them every day and they don’t care how it makes us feel so I plan to do the same thing. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Dear World, you can be you and still be successful. You don’t have to be like everyone else.
Funny Paragraph Read: I decided to pull a paragraph from one of the chapters I like. I like so many, but this one is so me.
Chapter 4: Under the Knife
Fun Fact: Luvvie said the one thing she will not share or discuss is her relationship. Luvvie’s got a man at home and you won’t know ish about him. Ha! She wants to be like Kerry Washington in that regard. Kerry’s daughter is almost 3 and the world has no idea what she looks like.

Not only was the event in the African American Culture Museum {Blacksonian} but it was held in the Oprah Winfrey Theater. I was trying to rub all of the Oprah magic off the walls. I’m just saying… Luvvie has met Oprah and few times and earlier this year she interviewed Oprah at Oprah’s event. I told you I was inspired. *Wipes the walls for more #BlackGirlMajic I need to make sure I get plenty because the way these dreams are set up.
Are you familiar with Luvvie? Have you read this hilariously honest book? Chat with me in the comment below or FB, IG or Twitter.
It sounds like a fun book to read. I must confess, I don’t even remember the last time I read a book. Now I can tell you a rough estimate of how many blogs I read in a day!
Shirley, I made a promise to read books this year. I was like you girl. Reading her blog will make you want to read her book.
First, I love that she was comfortable enough to come and ask to join you guys. People do not do that enough! Most likely because we’re on our gadgets and not paying attention to what is around us! Like you, I feel that I have enough moral compass that if people can’t believe I posted what I did? I don’t care. I know me and that’s all that matters to me. I don’t even bother defending myself lol. Respond how you want. My opinion is mine. Stick with me or block me. I’m good with either
YES JACQUI! You have come to church and given the word honey.
This sounds like an awesome event and a book the world needs too! I need to pick up a copy for myself.
Pam this most certainly is the book the world needs to read.
Fantastic message about remaining true to yourself. Reminds me of the Dr Seuss saying: why blend in when you were born to stand out?
Yes, Karen. I need to print that out and hang it out in my space. I WAS BORN TO STAND UP!
I’m Judging You sounds like a really interesting book. It’s awesome that you were able to visit this museum for the event!
I was so excited to attend, thanks Liz.
My family and I are planning to visit the African American Culture Museum. I agree with you, I do believe that it is something that all African American need to see and thank you for letting me know that it will take at least a couple of visit to see it all.
Do enjoy Dee, it is a lot to take in.
Wow how awesome is it to find out that someone you found super funny is also a super inspirational person to you? That is really great and I enjoyed reading this!
Yes Sarah, I’m inspired by so many things but I love people who stand boldly in who they are.
I have heard a lot of good things about this book. I am in need of a new book and could definitely benefit from reading it!
Bella this is an excellent one.
I have to pick up this book. I love Luvvie because keeps it 100 all the time!! But wait….let’s talk about you going to the museum and not seeing anything??? Really??
Ty, I’m going back at the end of this month girl. lol You have to sell your organs to get in to that place.
I’ve been loving her blog for years. She is amazing and I’m going to be getting her book, too. Your words on speaking your truth resonate with me. We must embrace all of us and be unapologetic about being so, too.
You will love her book for sure. It is funny, but it is real. Carlana, I think we all struggle with speaking our truth sometimes. I don’t want to look back and wish I had but didn’t.
I really want to read this book. The title alone has me salivating! But first, I’m going to check my library to see if they have it.
You totally should Stacie, I don’t know if the library would have it as yet. Support a sister and just buy it.
How awesome that you were able to see the National Museum of African American History and Culture Museum and attend Luvvie’s book signing. I learned about her commentary much later than others but although comedic, she speaks a truth I can relate to.
What an interesting tip that she chooses not to talk about her relationship. I assumed she was single. There are several other influencers who I am aware do the same. I think I would be the same way if I had a man and were famous.
Tia that is what I like about her, we can relate to her truth.
Until she said that I assumed she was single as well.
The funny thing about Luvvie is I can’t remember how or when I discovered her blog. But I know it was sometime around 2012. For a while, her and her facebook page was like the best kept secret ever LOL. I’m really loving the book! I’m almost done.
Ha, the secret has been bust all the way out. lol
Luvvie sounds like a great inspiration to many people indeed. I love that she can share a manual of how to act while still be herself. This sounds like a great book and I will have to read it for sure. it really is okay for us all to be us.
Yes Rebecca, to all of this.
I would love to check out this book too. I will check out her blog too, thanks for sharing.
Bonnie you won’t regret it for sure.
Sounds like a great book! I can’t wait to read it and tell my sister in law to get it too
Rika, girl you will experience all of the emotions while reading.
I definitely will be reading Luvvies book! This looks like an awesome event. We plan to visit the new museum over winter break, it looks like a great place to go!
Sara that should be awesome, take your kleenex.
What a cool book and I can’t wait to go to the new museum. This is on my list for sure!!
The book is a good real for sure. I can’t wait to go and tour it myself.
Sounds like it was a good book
And a great discussion about it that included the author. Always room for. New and exciting read!
It is a really good book.
I looks like you had a great time! I would love to go to an event like that!
I did Julie, I live for events.
Awesome that you met Luvvie! I am sure this is a great read!
It is such a worthy read LaQuisha.
Everyone has been talking about this book! I’ve been living under a rock because I had never heard of the author. I definitely need to check this out.
Oh yes Allison, she is a bit contagious.
I’m so jelly! I don’t live any where near the book tour. I have to admit 2 years ago I wouldn’t have recognized Luvvie either, but that just shows how down to earth she is. Can’t wait to read it.
Awww Anitra, get the book for sure and you will feel included.
I love Luvvie I remember her journey from back in the day and so happy for all of her success. She has been killing it with the branding and marketing of her book and cant wait to meet her at Blogalicious this year!
It is so inspiring to watch people’s journey. I totally agree, she set the bar and then raised it.
I love Luvvie! lol I can’t wait to get the book – even more so now! I always enjoy your posts, Mimi!
Thanks Tamika, you will love it.
That book sounds amazing! I would love to go to this museum. It’s a great place to learn and it’s perfect for the kids as well. It’s always nice to teach them more about our history.
It is a great read for sure.
The museum is a wealth of knowledge for sure.
I have never heard of her until I started blogging this year. Now im seeing lots of people posting about her book, maybe I should check it out! Im glad to see she keeps aspects of her life private, You have to because the outside world is cruel. Glad you were able to connect and ask thise questions. Honestly every body wil have an opinion about what you write, you cant please everybody, so just write about things that are important to you.
Oh Tiffany it is a must read for sure.
I believe in keeping some thing close to your chest.
I just heard of Luvvie’s book the other day from a friend. I’d like to read it; it sound like it’s really good! It’s really great that you got to attend the book signing and meet and greet. Adding Luvvie’s book to my book list!
Yay Jennifer, you will be moved for sure. You will also laugh out loud.
I love Luvvie! She is hilarious and so well spoken, I am a very big fan!
She knows how to get the point home. Thanks Christina.
I really need to buy her book! I love her.
You totally should Kim it is good. You will use up all of your emotions.