Chrisette Michele Rich Hipster & MimiCuteLips
The talented Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Chrisette Michele hosted a Press Conference with a bunch of her fave bloggers. {Her words not mine. lol} MimiCuteLips was one of them. {Insert The Jefferson’s theme song here}
Last week Chrisette launched Rich Hipster; it’s her blog space to display more outside-of-the-box type of things. It will give you a peek into who she really is as a person while still connecting her music, style, art, and journey to veganism.
Chrisette was very candid and open with us, it was refreshing. She had no idea what we would ask, the questions were live and she answered every single one. A few of us were able to ask multiple questions. Here are the three questions I asked.
Q: What’s your favorite thing to throw on? What’s your fave lip?
A: My favorite thing to throw on in the morning is like one of those skater dresses, in at the waist out around the hips so that you have a waist oh but you’re not restricted. That’s what I have on right now. I usually just throw that on almost every single day when I’m walking out of the house really quickly. My favorite Lip is Ruby Woo by MAC I know that is so typical of me, but my other favorite lip is Fig if you go to Sephora you can find Fig, and it’s by the brand Bite. I wear that if I’m not wearing Ruby Woo.
Q: If you weren’t an artist, what career path would you choose?
A: I would probably do everything else that I do. I do a lot of community service, that’s probably my favorite thing to do. Not the kind of stuff that gets you on camera but just like cooking for people that might not have dinner and bringing it to them, bringing clothes to places, or raising money for women in different countries that might not have an education. You know, charity. I’m not sure how I would be able to eat but I would definitely be some type of ambassador of sorts.
Q: How did you get your name Chrisette? {Chrisette rhymes with Michellette so obviously I need to know the story.}
A: I’m named after my favorite cousin Chrisette Michelle M. She and I are the closest of friends and my mother loved her so much that she ended up living with me as a kid. And we both have the same name so as a kid I was Little Chris and she was Big Chris and then we exchanged and I’m taller than she is so I’m Big Chris and now she is Little Chris.
I love Chrisette, everything about her just seems so stylish and genuine. Lucky you getting to meet her.
Mimi she really was and that was a breath of fresh air.
Omg love chrisette michelle!!! Great post
xo, jess @
Thanks a bunch Jess.