Couples Weekend Turn Up
Hey Cuties,
On Monday I promised to tell you about my adventurous weekend, well like to hear about it here it goes. Over the weekend we set out for our second annual couple’s trip. We headed back up the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Wintergreen Resort. We had some unfinished business from last year. Same great destination, the same beautiful house but a slight remix of couples. I must be honest, I was unsure if this trip would be as great as the last. No shade! You change one thing, you change everything.
Babe and I hit the road for a three-hour trip, ignore the Wal-Mart bags in the back, and don’t tell Target. The Wal-Marts further south are a much different experience than those in the North. I do enjoy the Super Centers, they are clean and big and the opposite of everything I hate about the ones in the DC area. Anyway, Target is #BAE and southern Wal-Marts might be a random thing on the side from time to time.

Dynamics are an essential part of group travel, with fourteen people under one roof group travel. So I wasn’t 100% confident going in but I’m happy to report it was equally dope. We also had a surprise bonus guest; more on that later. This year’s turn-up was of a different variety but a turn-up nevertheless. Last year there was the blizzard and the truck in the ditch. We didn’t have either of those this time. But we did finally go snowboarding.
Day 1: We arrived and got settled in, the boys started shooting pool. We chatted; we caught up and prepared dinner. By we, I mean them, not me. I made #FatSnacks cupcakes the next day, they were bomb!
Everybody got dressed and we headed to late-night tubing. 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM. The snow was unusually icy because the snow was man-made. This means it’s hard as a rock and you go much faster. Insert scene of Rasputia flying down the water slide and out into the crowd. (Norbit movie reference.) People were going so fast that got stuck in the back fence which prevents them from death.
We had a blast; one of the girls in our crew was going so fast that her hat flew off mid-slide. Insert stupid Macho man challenge here. The mission: to retrieve said hat while tubing down the same lane. They had siced {DC slang for hype} her dude to get it and be a hero all weekend. ? I told you it was stupid.
As luck would have it another dude in our crew would get the hat before the girl’s dude even had a chance. {Insert talking about this all weekend.}
In this video, you can hear our shock and awe that he retrieved the hat on the first try.
I had a death grip on my phone; I did not want it to fly out of my hands.
OUR SURPRISE GUEST: For whatever reason our house had a bear in it this year. Not sure why, where do you even buy such a thing? Because adults are like children, the bear became our homeboy and would provide pranks on almost everyone our entire stay.

Day 2: Half of our crew set out to snowboard. We tried this last year and ended up in a ditch.

I’m ready, we’re ready, I think. We are geared up; these snow boots make you walk like a cowboy fresh off a horse. Howdy partner!

We are knee deep in our Snowboarding lesson. So far so good, I’m getting the hang of things one step at a time.

Our group was large; it was about twenty of us taking a lesson from two people. They managed it well; we made up six of that twenty. Per usual everything is fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Don’t get me wrong, we all left with some bumps and bruises. As not to be outdone I acquired more than the rest. Let me say this, we were falling all day and that is okay. It is one thing to fall on purpose so you can stop. It is another thing to fall because you are simply out of control. In the video below I was OUT OF CONTROL!
Because you want to know how I bust my head on the side of a mountain. I went snowboarding down, I was doing pretty good although going faster than I would have liked. My snowboard spun me around and I was now coming down the mountain backward and fast. #FAIL I leaned back on my heels to stop which is what you’re supposed to do. That doesn’t translate the same when you are backwards. So as I was falling to the ground {not an issue, I wanted to stop} gravity slammed my body and my head to the ground really hard. So hard it knocked my hat off. No, I didn’t have a helmet on and yes I should have gotten one. Funny Fact: I had some terrible looking two strand twist in the top of my hair under my hat. So when I fell both of my hats went flying off my head. I immediately grabbed one while a bit dizzy so nobody could see my hair. Because vanity.
After I returned home I did get it checked out and I’m concussion free. I did have blue bruises from my wrist up to the palm of my hands. Prior to my fall, I put my hands down to catch me as I was falling. NEVER DO THAT! I should have allowed my butt to take the hit like I had been doing all day. No bruises there.

I was done snowboarding for the day but I did have a really good time. The boys continued to go out and even went down the big mountains and did really well. Next time I will try skiing, that sounds easier. Now that I’m a spectator in this sport I was able to catch Babe and his boy stuck on the ski lift. Hahahaha

If you fell asleep I promise you someone was going to try and scare the crap out of you with the bear.

It has been unseasonably warm in the DC area that was the case for Wintergreen as well. Last year it was 7 degrees while snow tubing and our phones powered off immediately. That is why I had no footage. This year I got all the footage.

A group shot is a must and we even included the bear in our parting shot. Stay tuned for next year’s trip, we are going to go someplace warm.
Have you done any couples trips? How was your experience? Chat with me in the comment below or FB, IG or Twitter.
My goodness, this looks like so much fun. I’ve never had a chance to go skiing but it’s on the “to experience” list. Being there with the other couples seems to have made it that much better.
OAN, I was pleasantly surprised by the Wal-Mart stores in DC. I expected them to be like a mini-mart or something but they’re pretty well stocked.
Girl, I wish they were better but they aren’t.
Oh my gosh, this looks so fun! I love seeing young brown couples having an awesome time together. It’s a beautiful thing.
Awww thanks Staci, it is refreshing to hang out with other coupls. I’m glad we’ve made this a tradition.
Seems like you’ve had an amazing weekend! The tubing looks like so much fun, and I can only imagine how tight you must have gripped your phone on the way down! Great video
Thanks Lisa, I totally had a death grip on it. I would have cried if it fell.
Sounds like such a fun weekends. It’s always nice to get away, reconnect and spend time with other like-minded couples. That bear reminded me of my old job. We had a stuffed pink panther and everyday we did something different with it. I STILL see pics of him from time to time.
Hhahahaha Joanna that is hilarious.
AMAZING….AMAZING ….AMAZING , this is right up my alley. LOVE IT!
I started reading your post and started laughing so much at work I had to pause. Because of this —–> ” Ignore the Wal-Mart bags in the back and don’t tell Target. The Wal-Marts further south are a much different experience than those in the North. I do enjoy the Super Centers, they are clean and big and opposite of everything I hate about the ones in the DC area. Anyway Target is #BAE and southern Wal-Marts might be a random thing on the side from time to time.”
But as I got pass that, the post had be ready to jump in that video and slide down the snow path.
Thanks for posting. would you recommend this place for a youth group?
Thanks Nay. hahahahaha
Nay this would be an excellent place for a youth group. It is very kid friendly, they had four year olds learning to ski. They were absolutely adorable, but I didn’t want to put strangers kids on here. lol
It looks like you had an awesome time. I definitely agree that Target is the best!
Thanks Pam, Target is like a drug.
Oh my gosh, how fun! That snow tubing looks amazing and learning to snowboard sounds like a blast.
Tubing is tons of fun and requires no skill. That snowboarding is a bit more tricky.
Looks and sounds like a great time. I am way over due for a some time away with my husband. Way over due.
Ut Oh Jenn, plan something ASAP.
I would love to do this with 14 of my favorite people, and we’ve been talking about doing a ski trip. This would be a great spot.
Do check it out Kim, it is really nice.
That’s a good looking bunch. Everyone looks so happy and relaxed.
I’m one of those who want to do the cool things like this but always too chicken to go through with it. I hate that about me. Wish I could just get over my fears.
Give it a try Jay, three days is plenty but not a huge amount of time when you couldn’t travel.
It looks like y’all had a great couples weekend!! I love weekend getaways!!
It was perfect, three days was plenty.
Looks like a lot of fun! I haven’t went skiing in a long time. The last time was probably when I was a kid. Hope to go skiing again someday. Thanks for sharing!
Sharon, sounds like you are due for a trip real soon.
Looks like great times! I love that the bear was in the picture too
We did a couples trip in MI, and it was so much fun. We hit the slopes all day, and just hung out by the fire with wine in the evenings. It was so relaxing. I would love to do something like that again.
Yes, that is what I’m talking about. Good old fashion fun and chatter.
You guys had a boatload of fun!! I cant wait for the day I have a mate and we get into a couple crew and do something like this. I have always wanted to do a couples retreat like this…glad you all had a ball!!
Thanks Kiwi, you would so enjoy a trip like this.
Wow! Sounds like you had an amazing time. I would love to go skiing. It’s something that I have wanted to do for a long time.
Katherine, give it a try. You will have so much fun.
it looks like you guys had a great time! i have always wanted to go skiing or should i say learn to ski. lol
Dawn, you should totally give it a try.
This looks like a fun time!!glad that you guys got to have some grown up fun! Loving all the pics.
Thanks Valerie, grown up fun is so needed.
I envy the hell out of couples that have other couple friends willing to do things together. Ugh…. Lol! It looks like you guys had am amazing time! When I get a few couple buddies, I’ll revisit this post!
Hahahha, these are his friends honestly. I’ve become friends with them because of him. Most of my girls are still single, so we can’t even do a couples dinner.
This looks like so much fun. You did better at snowboarding than I did when I tried. I couldn’t even make it down the bunny slope. The instructor got frustrated and left me. LOL.
OMG, not left you. I’m cracking up laughing although that is not funny.
Wow sounds and looks like so much fun! I haven’t ever done a couples trip with my hubby (or on our own) looking forward to the time we can and will do something like this. How fun.
Jeanine this was our second time, I certainly enjoy traveling with other couples.
This looked like an awesome time. I need to learn how to ski. It is definitely on my to-do list.
It really was Rebecca, that is a great bucket list item.
This looks like so much fun. I would love to do something like this!! Added in my to-do List!!
You totally should, at least once.
Looks like everyone had a blast! Going in a group trip helps save that extra cash. These are beautiful memories to a wonderful trip. My husband and I need a vacation and haven’t had one in a while! Thanks for sharing:)
Francisca it is a great savings for sure.
This looks like so much fun! I wold love to go down that snow tubing hill, so awesome!
It is fun until you fall and hurt yourself.
Love it! I went skiing for the first time last year and it was quite an experience. lol I was surprised with how much leg strength you actually need to have in order to ski!
OMG yes Adrienne, I didn’t know it was such a work out.