Shonda Rhimes + The cast of Scandal + MimiCuteLips + DC
Hey Cuties,
I have been bubbling over with excitement since Thursday; it seems the Universe and I have gotten our two step in sync. There is no secret that #TGIT trends every Thursday night as the work of the extremely talented Shonda Rhimes takes over the ABC Network. #Goals 8PM: Grey’s Anatomy 9PM: Scandal 10PM: How to get Away with Murder. This WOMAN, this BLACK WOMAN is ruling a major network in a major time slot and killing the ratings. Let that sink in for a moment. There is no doubt that girls can’t run the world.
I saw some information about the Smithsonian Associates having a “Scandal-ous!” night over at University of the District of Columbia while I was riding up to NYC. I am very much the impulsive live in the moment type of person. {I make no apologies for it.} I’ve been a Scandal fan since the first episode, like many I was all in my confused feelings about the kidnapping and all of that but things returned to normal and I was sucked back into that old Scandal feeling.
I was more than elated when the time had finally come; I mean I’d waited an entire month after buying my ticket. Because spring is still confused it was a rainy day, I made sure I got there in plenty of time but so did everyone else.

After a short wait it was go time and I made sure I secured a good seat. I settled in and got to know the ladies around me. The lady to my left came all the way from Texas and the lady to my right had come from Ohio. I had no idea people had really flown into town for this event. No judgement, I totally spent five days in Atlanta this time last year to attend a $10 event. hahahaha

What I didn’t know was that a lot of the folks in the room were regular participants of Scandal meet ups. Did you know that was even a thing? They take their fandom to epic proportions and I was clueless yet fascinated. They travel all around the United States meeting up and hanging out all in the name of Scandal.
I love me some Scandal but a bit more than that I love me some Shonda Rhimes. Her book Year of Yes gave me all the everything I needed in my entire existence honey. She is a friend in my head, and I am now determined to be in the same room as she again. Universe, did you note that? Before the cast came out we were treated to a screening of the show’s latest episode. Can I just say that it was epic to watch a show you love in a room full of people who also love the show. It was like watching a good movie in a movie theater and you hear the collective gasp, sighs and random eruption of applause from the audience. It was all of those things.

The cast came out and we collectively lost our shiz. Imagine screaming little girls at a Justin Bieber concert. The energy was electric and Martha got right into things and we sat there with our chin in our palms as our elbows rested on our knees. Not exactly, but you know that pose. I loved every minute of it but I was missing Jake Ballard {Scott Foley} with his fine self.
Scandal is set in Washington, DC but they don’t film here because politics and red tape. The very interesting thing is how closely Scandal mirrors the political race these days. I will let you draw those connections on your own time. Shonda let her mind go to work; she had no idea that life would imitate art in that manner.
The cast was funny; you could totally see their chemistry. Kerry & Tony have a natural Fitz & Liv banter in real life too.
Fun Facts:
The term #Gladiators was made up by a fan on Twitter during the very first episode of Scandal. It is a nod from the “Gladiators in a suit” line referenced by Harrison {Columbus Short}.
Kerry Washington is presently pregnant with baby #2.
The Scandal film crew was allowed on the actual Truman Balcony at the White House to shoot the background. The actors film it on set but the actual background we see is the real background. This is the first show ever allowed on the Truman Balcony.
Bellamy Young {Mellie} was born Amy Young. She changed her name because there was another Amy Young already registered with the Screen Actors Guild. They don’t do duplicates.
Twitter Fan Questions
Q: Why are the characters psyche more powerfully ruled by their fathers than mothers? {13:35} Hilarious Response by Shonda & Kerry
Q: Is the role of the First Lady outdated, did Michelle Obama & Hilary Clinton prove that a first lady can be more than just ornamental? {14:42}
Q: Are the brighter colors in Olivia’s wardrobe this season a true reflection of what she is feeling or a facade to hide inner darkness? {15:33}
Q: In two words sum up the season finale? {16:58}
I captured some video footage

Are you a fellow #Gladiator? Chat with me in the comment below or FB, IG or Twitter.
I’m definitely a gladiator! Wish I was there. I so love the show and the story lines.
Shonda is so freaking amazing I swear.
I’m so behind on Scandal! I so appreciate this behind the scenes look. Thanks for sharing!
You’re so welcome Candace.
That sounds like fun!!! I wish something like that would come here I love Shonda! Year of Yes was the icing on the cake and now the catch… dear god, she has me hooked!
Right, I’m so hooked. I don’t even care. lol
Awesome! I lhad never heard of meet ups. I also didn’t know Kerry Washington.
I was obsessed with scandal prior to the kidnapping situation and haven’t been a die hard fan since.
Yes girl, I didn’t know it was a thing either.
The kidnapping thing ruined it for me for a minute too. Then I fell back in love with it after the winter break.
What an exciting opportunity! Super happy for you, Gladiator! Wonderful pics!
Thanks hun.
Umm can you I tell you how jealous of you I am? Did you see Kerry’s bump? I wish I were there.
Kim I didn’t notice her bump. He dress did an excellent job of masking it.
I love Shonda Rhimes and all her shows! What an awesome event to attend. I’m jealous!
She is some kind of magical.
Looks like quite the event! I love being able to go to events such as this to learn so much more about the shows and movies that I love!
I totally agree Chris, I hope to do more.
Wow, this would have been so cool to attend. I love this show and Shonda sure knows how to pull on the heart strings. Thanks for sharing!
OMG Nancy, she totally does. Pulls at them and balls them up into a knot.
How fun is that?! Scandal is one of my favorite shows. I would have loved to have been there to hear the cast speak.
Paula you totally would.
Oh my. This is like a dream. Scandal is my all time favourite show and this looks like it would be such an amazing experience. So awesome.
It was magical, I would love to do this with all of my favorite shows.
I absolutely LOVE anything that Shonda Rhimes creates. I love the characters she creates and how they are flawed yet celebrated at the same time, as well as the twists and turns she takes her viewers on. If only she didn’t kill off so many of my favorite characters!
Yes Amanda, you totally get it.
I have actually never seen the show. It looks like I’ll have to put it in my DVR to watch. It had of been a lot of fun to be able to get the perspective from the actors for the show.
Jeanette the up close and personal perspective is amazing.
I had no idea there was an event like this! Looks like a ton of fun to attend and take part in.
Vera I saw someone talking about and checked the link. I’m so glad I did.
I don’t watch much television (I couldn’t name three shows other than what my stepdaughters watch LOL), but what a cool experience! Kerry Washington (I do know who she is) looks stunning. I’d never know she was expecting again! And Shonda (I also know who she is) dang I want that suit!
Heather, TV or not sounds like you are in the loop.
Love events like these and I wish that more of the popular shows would host such events. It’s great to get up close & personal with the cast and creator. Fabulous images!
Thanks Kirstin, I totally agree. I would so attend more of these type of events.
Looks like you had a really great time. I am not familiar with Gladiators so thanks for telling me about it.
I totally did Bonnie.
Wow how fun!! This looks like a great time. I’ve actually never seen Scandal but maybe its time!
Give it a go Brittany, you will be sucked in.
I used to be a gladiator I think I am more of a casual fan now. However I’m a huge fan of Shonda! Looks like a great event!
Toya, Shonda is like magic to me.
That is super dope! I love Scandal! So awesome that you’re spontaneous, otherwise you may have missed out on an amazing event.
It took work Valerie but I’m getting good at it.
I was geeking out.
you make me miss my show! I’m a relapsed Gladiator. I haven’t seen it since Jake got nominated for that position. I KNOW i need to catch up and one night me and Hulu will have a marathon before the season finale. Times like these, i wish i was still in DC!!
Oh yes girl, I relapsed too so I totally get it. Do yourself a favor and get caught up. I so wish Jake had come as well.
I can’t say that I’m a fellow Gladiator but this is very interesting. I’d love to attend a meeting sometime just to meet others who are fans of scandal and to meet the cast.
Terri, the fan aspect was insane. I didn’t even know this fan world existed in such a capacity.
How cool. I’m not a fan of the show, but I do appreciate the talent. I would have went to this, if it were closer. Glad they had such a good turn out.
I totally feel you Jenn, now I need all the shows I like to do this.
What a great opportunity for you! I have never seen Scandal but should start because I love Grey’s and How to Get Away with Murder!
Ha, so funny Chantal. I’ve never seen Grey’s but watch the other two.
I have never watched Scandal but I have heard great things about it. This event looks like it was really fun and that you had a great experience.
It was awesome Gwen, it really was.
what a great experience to be part of that! I would love to sit in on something like that… but I’m sure they don’t have this experience in Mpls,MN… love the close up pix, by the way…
Thanks Eloise, I love these type of events. I hope to do more.
You covered this event quite well. The Catch is my new fave. Ms. Rhimes rocks and I’m currently reading/listening to her book.
I need to check for Catch, I’m not familiar.
You covered this event quite well. The Catch is my new fave. Shonda rock is such a talent and I’m currently reading/listening to her book.
Thanks, I’m in love with that book.
You covered this event quite well. The Catch is my new fave. Shonda is such a talent and I’m currently reading/listening to her book.
Thanks, girl that book is one of my absolute favorites now.