Leaving My Mark On The World This Women’s History Month
Hey Cuties
We are halfway through Women’s History Month. If you didn’t know March is the month of the woman. March 8th, in particular, is International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations. I don’t know why we needed a day since we have the entire month but either way, I am here for it and so should you. Snatch off your bra and celebrate our strength. Pick our your finest wine glass and fill it with your beverage of choice. For me, that is Raspberry Sherbert + Pink Moscato. Treat yourself!
It is my job as a mother of a little girl to teach her the importance of being a woman. To teach her the power she posses as a woman. She is only 6 but I started this process from the minute she arrived. I needed her to love and appreciate her blackness and her womanhood. Those are two things people will constantly challenge in her life, but I’ve built a solid foundation for her. We have been reading her Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History book for over a month now. It shares 40 stories of women who have set the world on fire. She has everyday examples in her life, but I want her to know the world is filled with incredible women. More importantly that those women come in all forms, they have varying interest and they are all necessary.
I share some of my dopeness in Today’s History Makers 21st Century African-American Female Entrepreneurs by Tanya Barnett.
This book features 40 women who agreed to be a part of this book for our young, impressionable school-age girls. Our girls are exposed to so many negative images on television and they hear demeaning lyrics in music every day. This book counters these degrading images with a full-color book that will be donated to these girls through various nonprofits.
Click the link to purchase your copy, enjoy all of the stories but start on page 52 and read about me. I share what I do, what motivates me, an obstacle I had to overcome and advice for young girls. I promise you will be inspired.
Shout out to the dope ass women featured on the pages with me. We do it while taking care of the kids, the man/woman (How you Doin?), the home, the work and more. We are taking back the control of our vaginas. We don’t need Congress to dictate when and how we have babies. We don’t need men dictating if we should use birth control. How do they know? They have never grown a baby inside their body let alone pushed out an entire person. We have lived in a male-dominated society for so long, but Times Up, pay us equally. #MeToo, stop disrespecting us and violating us because you get pleasure from it. We are no longer sitting quietly for the years of inequality. The revolution is being televised and the future is female. Get into it!
What mark are you leaving on the world? Chat with me in the comments below or FB, IG, and Twitter.
That book sounds amazing. I am all for GIRL POWER. I can’t wait to read it.
Right, I can’t ever get enough of the girl power.
Congrats on all your success. I know your daughter is proud of you. Thanks for being such an inspiration in the blogging world.
Thank you, this inspires me to just keep going.
Congratulations for being featured! This is quite an achievement and it’s proof that what you’re doing is amazing! It’s all about inspiring other women and I’m sure this feature will definitely help empower others to follow their dreams!
Thank you, Karen. If I can inspire one then I am happy.
Congratulations! That is so cool that you were written about in the book. I would buy like 16 copies if I was in it. That has got to be an honor for you and I am sure it is so exciting.
It is really exciting, now that you say that I need to buy my Mom a copy to keep.
Nothing that the world would recognize. Quietly giving service,raised my children. Being a wonderful grandmother.
Those are all amazing things.
What a great honor that you were featured! I think it’s so important to teach our daughters the importance of being a woman, and I love that you are doing just that!
Thank you. We have to prepare them for all aspects of womanhood.
Everyone should know that women have value and worth in society. That’s pretty neat that you were featured in a book, that’ll be great to pass down through the family.
Yes VALUE! If ever a person was born with natural abilities to run things, we are.
Yes, my kids will better appreciate my feature when they are older.
Congratulations on being featured in the book, way to go! I feel the same way and my little girl is 6 as well, no time like the present to teach them their worth.
Yes Lia, this a a lesson we will constantly give our girls.
Your words are so empowering! I love that society is now more open to women being in the spotlight, compared to centuries ago, when women always had to take the backseat. I am sure you and the 39 other women in the book will inspire young girls to break the stereotype and reach for their dreams.
We sure will, we almost can’t afford not to honestly.
Congratulations on the feature in Today’s History Makers 21st Century African-American Female Entrepreneurs book. Can’t wait to check this out.
Thank you!
It’s so cool you were featured in that magazine! Congratulations! As a girl mom, I too feel the responsibility of teaching my daughters the importance of becoming women!
Thanks, Jenn. Nobody can teach our girls better than we can.
I love this and I so agree: the future IS female. It’s what I tell my daughter often. Women are incredible.
Yes, and we have to keep telling them and showing them.
The future is female yes! I believe that females will take far better care of this world and can talk things out instead of starting wars. We are born nurturers and the world needs some leading nurturing females in it.
I totally agree Heather. We are born nurturers and the rest of the wold needs to remember that. We were made for this.
Congratulations on being featured! Women’s history month is a great time to celebrate woman.
Thanks! We are out here trailblazing.
I really love your level of feminism! your looks and your aura says it all!
Thanks, Bethel!
It sounds like you’ve really prepared your daughter for this crazy world. I didn’t know the entire month was women’s month!
Yes, I’m trying to over prepare her as much as possible.
It’s not everyday that you get featured in a magazine that empowers and inspires women especially the younger generation. I think this is amazing and I am so happy for you! Congratulations!
Thank you carol, I feel proud and honored.
Congrats! This is very awesome, so many talented women are featured in this amazing book!
They are, we all have a different story and that is the best part. There is someone for everyone.
Congratulations for being featured, it just goes to show how awesome and inspiring you are. I think it’s great that this magazine is featuring women who can inspire and motivate others to do better.
Thanks, I try so hard to just be a good person. I’m always honored when someone recognizes me.
Wow! That is very dope! Congratulations, and kudos on being such an inspiration to your little girl and women everywhere.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Congratulations on your feature! Sounds like an awesome book, you’re definitely leaving your mark on the world!
Thanks, Kasi. I want the world to have so much to say about me when I’m gone.
Girl, now this is a big deal. I am so proud of you and all of your hard work.
Thanks, Kita. Sometimes I forget to celebrate me. I’m so thankful that others think of me enough to do it as well.
This is so cute! I seen many of my favorites being featured in this book so congrats for being featured in this one! This is so nice definitely something to leave for your legacy!
Thanks. I was excited to be in it, but like you said I was also excited about the other ladies in the book.
That is so amazing! What an amazing accomplishment. You are definitely leaving your mark on the world with this.
Thanks, Stacie. There is so much I still need to do.
My wife and I feel it is important to teach our daughter the same things you’re teaching your daughter. We encourage her to read about powerful women throughout history, and their impact on society at the time and today.
I love that Bill, she will be an even better young lady for it.
Congratulations!!! I saw this when you first posted it on FB, this is an amazing opportunity and I am SURE Little Cute Lips is proud of her Mommy and as she gets older she will be even more proud of her Mommy!!!
Awww, thank you so much. I hope I’m making her proud.
What an incredible experience! Congratulations on being in the book! What an amazing legacy!
Thank you Debra, it is exciting.