The Best Mommy Advice Ever: Look, Smell and Sip
Hey Cuties,
The District MotherHued #DMVMomTribe got together again and really celebrated Women’s History Month. This month’s mom meet up took us to Grand Cata, it is this really cute Latino Wine Company in Washington, DC. Celeb mommy Danni Starr of WKYS-FM joined us to share her-story. When moms meet up, wine magically manifest; so we had a wine tasting. No moms were left behind mocktails were on hand for the moms with bumps.

Grand Cata Latino Wine Co. spent time building their expertise in order to craft a unique experience that could bring the best of Latin America to the community in Washington, DC. Catar is a Spanish verb meaning the tasting of foods or beverages to determine their characteristics and flavors. They represent the history and vibrant culture of the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. That experience begins the moment you arrive. Grand Cata specializes in Latin American wines and culture, education, community, and celebration of the Latin heritage.

Meet my new Mom friend Tamara; she is a wardrobe stylist, personal shopper, and a Mommy. We bonded over our cute haircuts and my funked out camo jacket.
Julio was such a gracious host; he is the Co-Founder & President of Grand Cata. He is Chilean and former journalist and now has more than seven years of experience in the wine industry. Fascinating right; he taught us to properly taste wine.
- See it, note its color.
- Tilt your wine glass to take in the smell
- Take a sip, not a gulp
- Swish about your mouth to truly get the essence of the taste.

Danni Starr was our celeb Mommy for the evening. I’ve been a fan of hers for many years; I started out watching her on reality TV. It was nice to see her transition from that into radio and moving to the DC area to co-host the Kane Show. These days she has moved on to greener pastures and is now one of the two on-air personalities of The Fam on WKYS-FM and she is a host for TLC.

The premise of District MotherHued is to connect with other moms and build your tribe. That is exactly what is going on in this picture. We chit-chat we get to know one another, we talk about our jobs and or businesses and our children. We bond over shared experiences and help one another out with some areas we haven’t quite mastered.

LittleCuteLips would call this circle time, so will I. We gathered around for circle time and engaged in great conversation, while Co-Founder Simona moderated the discussion. Danni talked about the importance of having your voice heard in the work place. She shared her experiences on her journey to feeling confident in who she is, the skill set she brought to the table and knowing her worth. That doesn’t come easy for everyone and as women generally in a male dominated field it can be challenging.

This wasn’t just a listening experience, in true gal fashion it was all inclusive. We laughed, we rolled our eyes and we gave one another high fives. Why, because although we are different we have similar experiences that bind us together. The question asked was about how your job makes you feel as a Mom. When you take leave from work, do your colleagues always assume it is related to your kids? Do you feel pressure to over compensate in the office because you have kids? When I worked in the private industry there was some of that going on; especially from those that didn’t have children and or didn’t spend much time around children. Working for the federal government is much different because there are laws that protect you from that.
One dope mom shared that she was that co-worker who judged because you had kids. She didn’t understand why you couldn’t work late, why you needed days off, why you left abruptly when daycare called. It was nice to hear from the other side. She is now on our side and as a Mom her perspective has changed. Sometimes it is simply about your perspective.

JK Dowd Media (@JKDowdMedia) always does a great job capturing the true essence of the event. He took this shot from outside, we were so deeply engaged. That is a sign of a good time. We would have chatted for hours if they would allow us. This place even looks dope from the outside.

Danni is our kind of gal and she was a perfect addition to an already dope event. After we chatted and tried more wine she took pictures and got to know us. Love her!!!! She is officially stuck with us now.

These two dope gals are the reason we get together every month. L to R: Co-Founder Simona Noce, Media Personality, Danni Starr & Co-Founder Nikki Osei. These ladies saw a gap and filled it, they have big things coming in 2017. NEWS ALERT: A website is on the way, you will be able to engage and keep the conversation going in one place between events. Stay tune, for now you can keep up with District MotherHued on FB and IG.

A mommy media sandwich.

No event is complete until we’ve had our group shot. Can you spot me?
Are you a wine drinker, what is your favorite? What mommy issues do you struggle with? Chat with me in the comment below or FB, IG or Twitter.
Well, that looks like it was a fun AND fancy event! I love wine tastings. They make me feel so much more glamorous than I really am. LOL
Hahahaha Stacie, I know the feeling.
Wine tastings are one of my absolute favorite events! Sadly we do not get many of them in my area and none of them are as fancy or exciting as this appears to be. So happy you had this experience and yes, a little jealous lol
Find you some fancy Joely.
What a fun meet up. I know that I just can’t get by some days without my mom friends. They keep me sane! We do a once a month mom’s night out, but it’s not this elaborate. I think we’ve got to start upping our game!
Heather, I feel you. Sometimes they are the only folks that seem to get us. Oh Heather, I like that a lot. Keep it going.
What a lovely sounding time you spent! I have to admit I don’t drink wine, but I do know it is such a favourite drink for some.
We had mocktails just for the non-drinkers Sarah.
What a fun event. I’ve only been in a wine tasting event once. Stacie is right, it makes you feel more glamorous. Lol.
Get to another when you can, I’ve only been to a handful myself. I love that these events give us a different experience every time.
Boy do we need a version of this in Atlanta. Looks like so much fun and much needed mom and friends time.
OMG Kita you guys really do. That is a great city for this.
Wine tastings look like so much fun. The event that you attended in particular looks like it was a blast!
Thanks Lisa, we had an amazing time.
My type of event! Mother and chatong about life and kids? Sign me up! I love me one wine and that’s chocolate wine!!!
Yes Nikka, you would have a blast.
That looks fun. I need to attend a wine tasting. I am such a newbie in the wine game. smh.
Rebecca, I drink wine but I’m a newbie myself. I like learning about the taste and where it comes from and how it is made.
What a fun night you must have had. I love going to events like this. Especially with so many beautiful sistahs!
I was so in my element, it is nice to see us get together and have such genuine fun.
I love wine tasting!! I’ve been wanting to have one at the house with my friends.. great event
Tomiko, that is a great idea.
looks like a fun event! i don’t drink alcoholic drinks but i have tried few wines! this is interesting event!
No worries, you could have had a mocktail. This way it is non-alcoholic but you can still fit in.
I will say it again. You go to some of the best event. This looks like an amazing place to connect with other female business women. I just recently went to a wine tasting and learned the proper way to experience a glass of wine. Too much fun.
Thanks, Chrishelle I love a good event. This is the dopest Mommy group ever.
What a great opportunity, looks so much fun! I have never gone to any wine tasting yet.
Oh, you must add it to your things to do list.
omy thats a very interesting event to attend! i love wine tasting!
Wine tasting is always a winner. Even better with great company.
This sounds like a really cool event for moms.
They are the coolest.
That looks like a fun event. I would love to have an event like this. Seems so fancy too!
Kathy, it is always a nice excuse to get a little fancy.
Mimi this looks like an amazing event I missed out wine tastings are at the top of my list!
It was such a good time, wine tasting is always fun.
looks like a lot of fun to get moms all together and drink some good wine (the right way!) it’s always fun to learn new things/techniques… Being french, I was taught how to drink wine at a young age during dinner!
I think this event is a great thing, glad you got to experience it!
Thanks, Eloise. I love that you learn young.
I absolutely love the idea of a mom tribe. We don’t have a Mocha Moms chapter in Nashville or any other groups that I know of that cater to moms of color. It would be so cool to get with other moms that are movers and shakers. Wine and grub sound great to me!
Yes Candice, if you don’t have one build it. The people will come.
It sounds like you had a ton of fun at this event. It looks like my kind of place with all that wine tasting
I truly did, the place help set the tone for the evening.
Looks like a great event for networking. Do you have these often?
They do them monthly here in the DC area.
I remember Danni Starr from Bridezella. I am so happy with her transition and she is a cool mom! This looked like a real fun event for the DC moms!
Yes Kiwi, that is where I saw her for the first time. She is so damn cool.
This looks like it was a great bonding event for moms who are networking and taking their business to new heights. Everyone looks so beautiful!
Elle, that is exactly what it is. I love attending.
What a fun event! I don’t consider myself a wine drinker, but I do drink some occasionally especially when my husband opens a bottle. He loves wine!
Lynndee, I drink socially. I usually have more while on vacation or out for dinner.
Sounded like a fun event! Wine deifinitely equals good time, lol!
I know right.
I love events like this. Looks like you all had a good time. It’s good seeing women bonding and sharing views, perspectives and so forth about life, networking opportunities and jobs. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Daria. Society wants us to believe that we can’t get along.
OOH! This looks like it was super fun! I love wine tasting! Sip dont gulp! I wish they had events like this in my area, I love meeting other moms!! Love it!
It was so much fun, if they don’t have one in your area create one.
Great post. This looks like a fun event. And wine, of course, is excellent. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Wine makes every event better.
Omg awesome pics!!!! Looks like this was one awesome event! You must of had the best of time!!!
Thanks Courtney, I had an amazing time.
Looks like a fun event and everyone looked happy! Connecting with other moms is very important.
Rika, it is. It really takes a village.
What an event! Looks like you all enjoyed it.
It was a good time, thanks James.
Looks like a another great event! You all look so fab!
Thanks Kasi.
You always attend the best events. This looks like a really good time.
Thanks Ty, it was amazing.